Proiect Erasmus +




Parteneriat strategic în domeniul Școlar


Nr. 2017-1-IT02-KA219-036472_2 din 2017-2019


  • România: Școala Gim ” I. Minulescu” Pitești (secondary school)
  • Turcia: Rabiye Mehmet Ulger Oratokulu Antalya (secondary school)
  • Italia: Instituto Comprensivo 1 Chieti (secondary school)
  • Grecia: SO Gymnasio Karditsas (secondary school)
  • Letonia: Saldus novada pasvaldibas Kursisu (elementary school)

The current technological era in which our adolescents were born has provided them with the necessary tools and knowledge that are needed in the current general profile of the graduate. However, schools find it difficult to keep up with their ever-changing needs and interests. This is why, students currently tend to tackle the school subjects superficially, as they consider books and traditional teaching methods outdated and tedious. Another need identified in our schools is for students to become more involved in the life of their communities. There are only few students who are currently active in the field of volunteering. This is how the project idea started.
The partnership includes 5 schools – IT,GR,RO,LV,TR. It addresses a target group of students and teachers English, ICT, Humanities. It involves 3 essential dimensions – cultural, educational and professional.
AIM: to improve digital competences and language skills through movie-making, intent on tackling social issues, highlighting differences and similarities and putting emphasis on fundamental values.

The project will enable students:
– To enhance practical skills related to film-making
– To develop creativity and critical thinking skills
– To develop communication and interpersonal skills
– To determine students to actively approach social issues
– To recognize different cultural marks and analyses similarities and differences
– To improve level of English and acquire basic level of other languages

The project’s main topic is divided into 4 sub-topics distributed to the five partner countries. Therefore, there are 4 exchanges of pupils:
C1- SHORT FILMS WITH IMPACT: The participating students discuss the films’ contents and message. They attend workshop on the stages of film-making, write storylines.
C2- SHOOTING SHORT FILMS: Students work in multicultural teams on assigned topics, to write storylines and create a short film.
C3- EDITING SHORT FILMS: Students learn to use film editing applications, create and edit new films in teams.
C4- EUROPE UNITES US: Students create films centred on the European characteristics of each country and put them together under the title Europe Unites Us.

– Direct participants 64 students (general secondary education), some of whom come from challenged social and economic backgrounds and 36 teachers (English, ICT, Social Sciences/Humanities) attend the LTTAs;
– Indirect participants: 1400 students and 280 teachers from the schools partner.